Italian Cream Drop Cookies

At its core, the Italian Cake Drop Cookie is inspired by the flavors and textures of Italian cake. It features a soft and moist cake batter that is generously studded with chopped pecans, adding a nutty depth and a satisfying crunch to every bite. The incorporation of coconut flakes enhances the cookie's profile, infusing it with a tropical aroma and a touch of natural sweetness.

The pièce de résistance of the Italian Cake Drop Cookie is the cream cheese topping. A velvety layer of cream cheese is gently spread over the top of each cookie, providing a luscious contrast to the cake's texture and adding a tangy, creamy note that balances out the sweetness of the cookie itself. The cream cheese topping also creates a visually appealing contrast, with its smooth white surface serving as a canvas for any additional garnishes.

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Italian Cream Drop Cookies